IFC Articles
Managed investment trusts
Check the income to declare, when to report a loss, and deductions you can claim for managed investment trusts.
Yours, mine & ours - estate and succession planning for modern families
Navigating complex family relationships and blended families can be challenging at times and particularly when a family member dies.
How to boost your super with a lump sum
If you’re lucky enough to have received a windfall, perhaps an inheritance or a retrenchment payout, your first decision will be what to do with it.
Transition to retirement
Under the transition to retirement rules, when you reach your preservation age, you may be able to reduce your working hours without reducing your income. You can do this by choosing to start a transition to retirement income stream (TRIS).
Downsizer super contributions
If you are 55 or older, you may be able to contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of the sale (or part sale) of your home into your superannuation fund.
What is creditworthiness and why does it matter?
It might be a bit of a mouthful, but the concept of creditworthiness is simple enough to understand.
The term refers to a person or company considered suitable to receive credit – mainly due to being reliable in paying money back in the past, as well as having enough funds to stay afloat if things go south.
When was your last home loan health check?
Circumstances can change, leaving your home loan less suitable than it was originally. A home loan health check can reveal if you’re paying too much.
The retirement index you need to track
The long-term returns of asset classes are a reference point for future retirees.
Storm, flood and fire insurance
It's devastating when a natural disaster destroys or damages your home. Finding out you don't have enough insurance can add to your distress.
How regular investments turned $1,000 into $775,000
A simple ongoing investment strategy can deliver substantial returns over the long term.
Returns rebound in 2022-23
Investment markets rebounded in 2022-23. But it's important to understand that asset class returns vary from year to year.
Start your new financial year right: Invest in professional support
We often focus on the end of the financial year (EOFY) and how to get our taxes sorted.
However, once that’s done, it’s wise to spend time considering the best way to move your venture forward over the next 12 months.
One way to do this is via support. Professional support can be invaluable for individuals looking to start their new financial year off on the right foot.
Whether you’re a small or large business owner, investing in professional support can help you achieve your goals.
Australians need a retirement confidence boost
Giving Australians better access to high-quality and more affordable financial advice is imperative.
Tips for young investors in today’s markets
How much money you're able to invest each year is one of the biggest factors in achieving your financial goals. And the longer you're invested, the more time your money has to compound and grow.
Investing: 5 Investment Property Strategies
Buying your first investment property can be a bold step towards a more prosperous and secure future. But it also poses risks. The Successful Investor’s Michael Sloan outlines five strategies to help you take the right path.