IFC Articles
Is it time for bonds to shine?
To say that it’s been a challenging period for bond investors for the best part of a decade, is not an exaggeration. If we cast our minds back to 2008, the world was in a precarious situation as the Global Financial Crisis took effect. Central bankers were busy thinking of ways to avoid a deep global recession or worse, a depression.
Why many retirees are underspending
After accumulating superannuation savings over multiple decades, many retirees are fearful of spending too much. When it comes to life in retirement, many Australians are probably being more frugal than they need to be.
Searching for your first home
Deciding what you really need. Buying your first home can be a mix of excitement and apprehension. With solid preparation you can make the experience less stressful and more productive. Here are some of the things to think about before looking for something to buy.
Self-managed super fund (SMSF)
A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a private super fund that you manage yourself. SMSFs are different to industry and retail super funds.
How to protect your finances after redundancy
Understanding your redundancy payout. According to ASIC, a redundancy payout can be made up of any of the following: a severance payment, an incentive payment, a payment in lieu of notice or unused annual leave and long service leave.
Four timeless principles for investing success
Investing success can mean different things to different people. Being clear on what success means for you is key to mapping out your plan.
Combat cost-of-living hikes and keep saving
Cost of living pressures coupled with rate rises have made it more difficult to save for a home deposit and afford the lifestyle you’ve either become accustomed to or are dreaming of.
Australia’s housing prices carried their upward trend into 2024
The start of 2024 continued the upward trend for the year for dwelling values, recording a 0.4% increase in January, marking its 12th straight month of value increases.
Understanding the new $3m super tax
The much debated tax on superannuation balances over $3 million is inching closer and those who may be affected should ensure they have considered the implications.
Australia’s Tax Changes - what do they mean for me?
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced proposed changes to address ongoing cost of living pressures with all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers receiving a tax cut from 1 July 2024, compared to the tax they paid in 2023-24.
A simple way to retire earlier
Using a fundamental investing principle could help many Australians bring their retirement forward.
Australians need help on how to manage huge wealth transfer
Most Australians want to share their wealth with the next generation but are unsure how to transfer that wealth and need help to plan for an effective transfer. Financial advisers are well-placed to meet those needs, according to the findings of a new report from Fidelity International and independent research firm, MYMAVINS.
The 1% rule - tiny changes add up to a BIG difference
Personal transformation can be challenging. We all have habits we’d like to break and behaviours we’d like to do more of. But when we do some self-examination and think about what is involved in navigating change, it can seem overwhelming to get to where we need to be, whether that is personally or professionally.
How will you use your super?
We spend decades watching our super balances grow but for those thinking about retirement in the next few years, it can be confusing to work out how best to use your super.
2023 Year in Review
Australia’s economy stubbornly defied predictions during 2023, dashing any hopes that we might begin to return to some kind of normal.
What happens if an employer does pay super late?
Well, it hurts! There are at least 5 "pain" points.
Monitor how your shares are performing compared to similar companies or the market overall.
Explainer: Home loan pre-approval
For those getting ready to stride into the world of home ownership, the uncertainties of pre-approval can cast a shadow of doubt over an otherwise exciting time. When is it necessary? How long does it last? And what does it involve, exactly?
Keeping track of your shares
Monitor how your shares are performing compared to similar companies or the market overall.
Using your redraw facility on your home loan
Let’s say you’ve made a habit of paying more than your minimum scheduled home loan repayments. This means you’ll have money available to take back out – if you want to.
This process is known as redraw. You can use this money to pay for sudden expenses, or planned things such as holidays, renovations, school fees, or a new car.